1 Commotion On the Beach

Gonzales says she and the family were having a casual walk on the beach when they saw a big crowd of people gathering. Curious to see what was happening, they went over to investigate—and that’s when Gonzales realized there was a dangerous reptile in their midst. 2 Family Stroll
Gonzales says she had no idea the crowd was gathered because a crocodile had wandered onto the beach. “We were just walking along the street and saw a big group of people gathered on the beach,” Gonzales told 7NEWS.com.au. “I went down to the water to see what was happening and that’s when I saw the crocodile.“ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb 3 Captured Croc
Gonzales has no idea how the crocodile ended up on the beach but says she was surprised to see it. Video of the incident shows a group of guards holding the semi-restrained crocodile up and carrying it away from the water, followed by curious beachgoers. The crocodile had a sloth put over its eyes and was tied up. 4 Poor Animal
Social media responses to Gonzales’ video ranged from terror to compassion for the crocodile. “New fear unlocked in Bali,” one person commented. Another person said they hoped “it is treated humanely and taken to a sanctuary.” “How awful for this poor animal, I can imagine how distressed it would be,” another person said. 5 Escaped Crocodile?

One of the commenters believes the crocodile might be a pet that managed to run away somehow and ended up on the beach. “A local told me it’s a pet that’s escaped its cage,” the commenter said. “Police don’t want to answer any questions about what’s going to happen to it, (but it will likely go to the zoo).”