In Arizona, the number of known coronavirus cases is doubling every two weeks, according to CNN. After a nearly 90 percent rise last week—and a record number of new cases for a single day—the state now has nearly 54,770 cases. On June 22, former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, told CNBC that Arizona may be “tipping over into exponential growth.” And for more states to keep an eye on, These States May Be “Past the Point” of Controlling COVID-19, Doctor Says. In Arkansas, where CNN says cases are doubling every three weeks, there are now over 16,080 cases. Gottlieb also expressed concern over Arkansas, telling CNBC on June 18 that it was one of the states “on the cusp of losing control of those outbreaks.” Columbia University virologist Angela Rasmussen also identified Arkansas as a high-risk state, previously telling Best Life it could be facing another lockdown. After a nearly 87 percent rise in cases last week and another record broken for new single-day cases, it’s not surprising that CNN reports Florida’s cases doubling every three weeks. And, like Arizona and Arkansas, Florida was recently flagged as a state in need of serious intervention by Gottlieb and Rasmussen. There are currently over 100,200 cases in the state. And to stay healthy, make sure you’re aware of these 3 Easy Ways to Know If You’ve Been Exposed to Coronavirus. Idaho isn’t a state that’s often mentioned as high-risk, but CNN notes that the number of known coronavirus cases is doubling every three weeks. As of June 23, there have been nearly 4,270 cases in the state. The experts at Covid Act Now consider Idaho to be a medium-risk state, with an infection rate (the number of people the average sick person will infect) of 1.06 and a positive test rate of 5.8 percent.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb Like Idaho, Montana hasn’t gotten much attention as a problem area, though its rising numbers do represent a doubling every three weeks. While there are only a little over 730 coronavirus cases in the state, Covid Act Now also considers Montana to be a medium-risk state, thanks to its moderate infection rate of 1.10. And for states that appear to have gotten things under control, These Are the Only Three States on Track to Contain Coronavirus. Oklahoma’s case numbers are also doubling every three weeks, CNN says, but that’s not the only alarming statistic for the state: For the week ending on June 21, Reuters reported a 111.3 percent rise in cases. Oklahoma currently has over 10,730 cases. As Rasmussen told Best Life, South Carolina was one of the states that “reopened as if coronavirus was completely gone from their communities, which was not the case.” As of June 23, the state has just over 25,700 cases. South Carolina and Arizona are the only two states where coronavirus numbers are currently doubling every two weeks. Texas has had plenty of cause for alarm: Aside from its case numbers doubling every three weeks, the state saw an 84.4 percent rise last week, and set records for new single-day cases several days in a row. Texas, which now has almost 119,650 cases, was among the states Rasmussen told Best Life should return to lockdown. The numbers in Utah are dire enough that state epidemiologist Angela Dunn, MD, recently proposed a total shutdown of the state, saying “contact tracing and testing alone will not control this outbreak.” With case numbers doubling every three weeks, according to CNN, Utah now has over 18,030 cases. And for more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.

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